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Nonsurgical Weight Loss

If you are struggling to lose weight, and to keep it off, you are not alone. The Summa Health Weight Management Institute is here to help. Our program’s comprehensive approach to weight management is based upon scientific research about weight loss and years of experience gained from working with patients just like you.

In 2013, the AMA declared obesity a disease. Since 1952 to 2019, we have seen a 4000% increase in obesity, from 1% to more than 40%. This is an epidemic of great proportions. This disease contributes to more than 200 other diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis and others. Until now, obesity has lagged behind research and treatment of many of the above other diseases.

The science and medicine of this disease has been slow to develop, allowing multi-billion dollar diet industries to develop that have done very little to slow this epidemic. Now, we are seeing breakthrough and transformational treatment of obesity.

At Summa Health, we combine the science of medicine, psychology, exercise and nutrition to treat this metabolic disease. Our staff includes three board-certified bariatricians, four behavioral health specialists who are trained and specialize in treating emotional eating, four dietitians and an exercise scientist. We also have a group of support staff who is eager to make your experience as meaningful as it can be.

The focus of nonsurgical weight management is achievement of long-term weight loss through modification of food choices, intensive management of eating behaviors, exercise and lifelong follow-up to ensure maintenance of weight loss.

Healthy weight management begins with reaching your goal weight, and then continues with maintenance of that weight. Many people have cycled through weight loss and regained multiple times throughout their life. You will continue to see us for lifetime follow-up to prevent you from regaining weight you worked so hard to lose.

Patients can customize a program that works best for them, with individual physician and behavioral health specialist appointments available.

We can assist with meal planning, and can help manage weight in conjunction with complicated medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or pregnancy.

We also have resources available for anyone who struggles with eating in response to emotions or stress, or who struggles with depression and anxiety.

Call the Weight Management Institute's New Patient line at 330.375.6554 to schedule an appointment at any of our six locations.


Options to Request an Appointment

If your situation is an emergency, call 911.