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General Information

Thank you for contacting Summa Health System.  We appreciate hearing from you.  Summa is committed to ensure you receive the help and information you need as quickly as possible.  Our goal is to provide a reply to you within three business days.  It can take longer if we need to research a particular concern.

Submit a question confidentially and securely by filling out the form below.  Your question will be answered, and a detailed response will be sent discreetly to your own private e-mail in the strictest of confidence.

Due to HIPAA rules we cannot respond or forward comments containing confidential patient information.

If you would like to be removed from marketing communications such as mail or enewsletters, please indicate 'opt-out' in the comment field below.

We are committed to excellence in all aspects of care. If you are looking for directions to a Summa Health System facility or you just have a question call, 1.800.237.8662.


Options to Request an Appointment

If your situation is an emergency, call 911.